On 1 June 2024, the "Vote for Europe!" rally will take place at Vienna's Stephansplatz. Its aim is to draw attention to the importance and necessity of a united and strong Europe in the run-up to the European elections on 9 June 2024.
The originator of the project, Valeria Foglar-Deinhardstein, chairwoman of the Brussels Alumni Club and EU district councillor, cordially invites all citizens to celebrate the European idea together and to send a powerful signal for peace, freedom, democracy and human rights.
Valeria Foglar-Deinhardstein is firmly convinced that there is no alternative to the European Union and that this unique alliance must be further strengthened in order to ensure peace, freedom, democracy and human rights in Europe. If this alliance did not exist, we would have to invent it today, especially in view of the wars, conflicts and threats around the world. As an Italian and Austrian, she has always felt like a European and appreciated the value of diversity while preserving the individual identity of each member state.
Let us celebrate Europe and use our voice on 9 June 2024 to demonstrate Europe’s unity and strength to the global community.
Vote for Europe! – Together for a strong, united and peaceful Europe.

Invitation to the meeting "European elections with Valeria Foglar Deinharddstein
LichTraum by Sonia Siblik in collaboration with the association MIR - Medias In Res by Katerina Teresidi and the Association for the Promotion of the Reputation of Democracy by Feysulah Milenkovic and others support this project. Art and culture have both an intrinsic and an extrinsic responsibility to convey messages to the viewer. So what could be better than if these messages help to unite peoples and forge friendships, without neglecting the important task of drawing attention to negative or less ideal situations? For this reason, art is present at this event in an interactive program:
Interactive live painting performance: The artist Chespi – José Augusto Ramírez.
Musical contribution: The opera singer Luxana Lozano will sing the European anthem.
Art exhibitions: Works by Katerina Teresidi and Francisco Rubiel Osorio Faber on the theme of utopian and dystopian futures.
Painting and drawing table: A creative area for children and adults to visually express their thoughts on the topic of Europe.
Our artists:

I was born in Mexico and am Mexican, but I also feel Austrian because that's what I am. I'm lucky enough to experience the best of two countries, two continents and two cultures. As part of Europe, I want the best for my new home. That's why I'm going to vote! Make your vote count!
Sonia Siblik
Photos from the European election meeting by photographer Franz Pflügl.