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PeopleFacebook event cover

Amid countless situations that numb people, from negative news to global crises like the pandemic and wars, disinterest threatens to take over. Man becomes selfish and loses his humanity. But the current situation requires intervention, meditation and a decisive stand against indifference. According to the Alliance Against Depression, at least 400,000 people suffer from depression in Austria alone. It is high time for humanity to triumph. This exhibition serves as a symbol to remind us that we are stronger together and should love each other."

Zeljko Jancic Zec

During the work process for my picture cycle “People” in 2018, I had an unusual experience that had never happened before. The only way I can describe it is that I felt it was a glimpse into my soul. It was profound.

I felt suffering and pain at the same time, but strangely also something like relief...

I wondered what that meant? I looked with such clarity at an inner process that unintentionally opened up before me. Was this about more clarity for what I was doing?

Today I know it was much more.

Željko Jančić Zec

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